Saturday, April 16, 2011

Recital Time

I have spent the last two days in recital mode with Madison.  I got a small taste of things during the dress rehearsal on Tuesday.  I got her from school and we had to go to Belle Plaine about an hour away and thankfully she just needed costumes and not hair and makeup because there just wasn't time.  We got the the gym and groups are camped out.  They all have blankets out and big tubs with all their stuff in it.  They also have enough food that it looked like people expected to be there for days.  Well we survived dress rehearsal and made it to Friday.  Friday night the recital was in Belle Plaine starting at 7.  Greg dropped Madison and I off at the school an hour early so we could get her hair and makeup done.  First of all I had to get her hair in a bun and get it to not fall out.  For someone with very fine hair this is not an easy task.  Well half an hour and I swear an entire can of hair spray later we got it.  Then we got her makeup on.  It is such great fun to put makeup on a moving target.  Well I finally get her ready only to find out I didn't have any glitter spray.  Who knew I needed glitter spray.  Thankfully there were parents in her class that shared theirs.  She got sprayed all over to sparkle.  By time I got her all ready I was too tired to care about anything else and I still had to change her costume two more times.
        Well I forgot my camera on Friday night so I don't have any pictures.  She got up on Saturday and finally got a shower to wash off all the glitter and hairspray. (We got home too late to do it Friday).   Then we headed to Reinbeck for her second recital.  Thankfully this one was at 1:00 in the afternoon.  Again the hair and makeup only this time was slightly easier since we had been through it last night.  I have learned that there is a lot of hurry up and wait when it comes to recitals.  You hurry up and get ready to wait your turn.  I did remember my camera this time so I got some pictures.
Playing a friends DS while waiting to dance

Dancing on Stage

Such "Groovy Girls"

The Big Finale

Watching classmates play their DS while waiting

She can't wait to do it again next year.  We will have to see how schedules work out in the fall to see if she will be able to.  She has really enjoyed dancing and it has given her something to get involved in.  She has really done a great job.