Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bedtime Camping

The kids have been building tents to play in in their rooms.  They have been draping their blankets over their desks and then playing in them.  Well with not having school the last couple of days they were asking to sleep in them.  Well sleeping on the floor under a desk didn't sound like a good idea to us.  This got Greg's wheels turning.  He did some research on-line and then designed tents for their beds.  It is amazing what some PVC and Pex tubing  and a king sized flat sheet can do.

Andrew is really happy with his tent.

He had two different designs one was a pointed top and the other was rounded.  The pointed top was all pvc and then he used pex  for the round top.  We then covered them with the king sized sheet and clamped it on.

Madison's Endoscopy

Since last October a year ago, Madison started having stomach problems.  She would just randomly throw up for no apparent reason. This past August she was sent to a pediatric gastroenterologist.   He left her on her medicine for a while and then had us take her off of it in February.  If the problems came continued we were to have her seen again.  Well they continued so she was seen again and Dr. Manni decided to do an endoscopy and a BRAVO ph test.  Thankfully the test came back showing nothing was wrong.  The test was done in Des Moines at Mercy and they were really great to work with.  They had wood animals that she could choose to paint.  She choose a cat and painted it rainbow colors.

Blue and Gold Banquet

Jonathan had his first Blue and Gold Banquet on March 26th.  He was able to receive his Wolf badge.  He was really enjoyed doing cub scouts.

He really enjoyed having Greg as his den leader and he also really has a good cub master.  It is nice that scouting is starting to pick up in the area.