Our tomatoes and peppers are doing well. The tomatoes have lots of blossoms and are growing lots of green tomatoes. I can't wait until they ripen. The peppers are producing as well. I am just waiting for them to ripen. I planted red peppers this year and right now I have three small green peppers.
The corn is getting very tall and with the current warm weather I am sure we will start seeing tassels soon.
The green beans are growing right up and over the fence we put in for them to climb. The peas are in blossom and there are several pea pods on them waiting for the peas to fill out so I can pick them.
This year I decided to try lettuce. I chose a bib variety and planted it out front in my two planters. It is doing very well. Now I just need to eat lots of sandwiches with lettuce and salads so that it doesn't go to waste.
We have had to replant some of the corn and beans this year since they didn't all come up. The peas needed to be replanted but I didn't realize it when I was buying more seeds. With the warm weather though I am not to worried about it since they don't really like the heat. The weather has been nice enough that we have had no problems keeping up with the weeds. I had been doing really well with keeping the tomatoes tied up until we had a really warm spell and didn't go out and they got away from me. Oh well I will just continue to do my best at not letting them take over the garden. The kids really enjoy helping out with the garden, when it is to their advantage. We all enjoy eating the fruits of our labors.