Friday, October 26, 2012

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts are underway for the year.  Andrew is all excited because he gets to do cub scouts this year as a tiger cub.  Jonathan is a bear scout this year.  Greg works with closely with the pack master to help keep the pack going and is the bear den leader.  I help out when I can as they need me.  So far this year they have done scouting for food where they were able to help collect over 700 cans of food for the local food bank.  They have also done popcorn sales to help raise money for the pack.  They are excited to have their first pack meeting in November.  They will also have a tree decorated for the festival of trees here in Gladbrook.  The boys are often looking through their books to see what they can do to achieve their rank badges as well as their electives.  Since Jonathan is 8 he will also be adding in working towards his Faith in God award.

Don't my guys look great in uniform!

Lego Scorpion

Greg and Madison are doing Lego League again this year.  Lego League is a competition using Lego Mindstorm robotics.  Greg had his dad's set of mindstorms at home and was playing with them.  He built a scorpion. The kids had lots of fun playing with the scorpion.

The scorpion had a stinger that would strike you if you got too close to it.
The kids really have fun with the robots.  Madison is really enjoying Lego League and working on programing the robot for different missions.  This year they are learning about senior citizens and the robot has many different missions to accomplish that all have to do with things seniors face.  There is also a research part to Lego League where they have to find a solution to a problem and then present it in an interesting way to a panel of judges at competition.  This is a great opportunity for Madison to learn and problem solve.