Friday, October 29, 2010

New Job

I was reading the local paper the other day and saw and ad for an early childhood special education associate position at the Reinbeck Elementary.  After Greg and I talked we decided that I should apply for it.  It is only three hours a day from 12-3.  I had scheduling to figure out before I felt I could apply since Andrew gets out of school at 3 and it is a 45 minute drive from the Reinbeck Elementary to the GMG preschool.  I also had Jonathan to get picked up at 3:30 and Madison at 4.  I couldn't be everywhere at once.  Greg and I go it worked out so I applied for the job.  I interviewed on Monday and it was indicated to me that I would be called either Monday night or Tuesday.  Well I never got a call and I saw the superintendent several times on Tuesday while I was doing my field experience in Reinbeck and he never said anything to me so I figured I didn't get the job.  Well on my way into Marshalltown on Wednesday my cell phone rang and it was Tim Kuehl, the superintendent.  He was calling to offer me the job.  After running some numbers and more discussion with Greg and mapping out what our schedule would really look like we decided to accept the job.  I will start on Monday November 1st.  I have mixed feelings about the job right now, but that will change I am sure as I work in the room.  Special education isn't really my field of interest, but with classrooms being inclusive I will most likely have children in a classroom with special needs once I become a certified teacher.  The experience I will gain from this job will be helpful in the future and makes the job well worth it.   Now our biggest challenge will be balancing work, family and school.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Good luck with all the schedule stuff. You'll be great at your new job.
