Thursday, March 17, 2011

Recital Time is coming

Madison's dance recital is quickly approaching.  Last week at dance we have costume day.  A parent said to me "It goes down hill from here, hold on tight and hope for the best."  It didn't take long before I realized things were going to get crazy.  She has three costumes and I managed to get pictures of two of them.
This is for her Broadway number

Here is her whole class together

This is for her Boogie Man number and the finale.  She is holding a tambourine.
I wasn't able to get a picture of her costume for Hello Dolly.  It is red velvet and really pretty with long red gloves and a hair piece.  You put these girls in frilly little Tu-Tu type costumes and they really get into their dancing.  I still have to work on getting her hair in a bun (and to stay there) and figure out the makeup.  We have pictures next week where she has to be in full costume, hair and makeup.  Then a few more days of dance class before the recitals on April 15th and 16th.

Child Labor

Things have been crazy at our house lately between Greg and I both in school and working.  The kids are busy with homework and school as well.  In order to keep the house somewhat livable we have had to use what some may consider child labor.  If you as Madison she is our slave or on a good day just our Maid.  Actually through all of this we have tried to teach the kids some responsibility.  Usually requests for help are met with "I'm too tired" or "I don't want to" or my favorite "You just interrupted my fun"  Greg usually responds with well them I am too tired to fix you dinner, or then I don't want to save time to play games.  They are finally learning to not complain and just do it because they are going to end up doing it anyway.  Here are some pictures of our child labor.

Madison had gotten lucky the day I took these and hadn't yet finished her homework.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What a busy time

This past week has been so busy.  I started a new field experience placement this week.  I had been placed in a 3-5 year old room at  a daycare and that wasn't really working out so I contacted the field experience office and got placed in a kindergarten room at the Reinbeck elementary.  This placement is going to work out much better.  This week we had to teach a learning activity that incorporated art or science with music, art or social studies.  We also had to do  concept of print assessment, phonological awareness assessment and a phonemic awareness assessment on one of the the students.  So I went into this kindergarten room and taught my lesson without ever having seen the teacher work with the kids or even meeting the kids for that matter.  I read the story Daisy Head Mayzie because it was also Dr. Seuss week to celebrate his birthday.  We then had daisies that we wrote the missing numbers in on the petals of the flower.  The flower got colored and cut out and glued to a head band.  The kids really enjoyed it.  I then worked with one of them to do the assessments and it went great. 

Normally I only work three hours a day in the afternoon.  This week I got a call on Monday morning and the full time associate was out sick and I needed to sub.  It was a little after 7 when the call come in and I was in my pajamas in the kitchen just finishing up packing lunches for the day.  I was dressed and ready to go out the door by 7:45 because I needed to drop Jonathan off at the school in Gladbrook so I could drop Andrew off at extended learning at 8 in Green Mountain.  Then drive the 40 minutes to Reinbeck where I work.  Tuesday I got another call but had to do my field experience and was not able to sub.  Wednesday went like a normal day but Thursday and Friday I had to sub again.

I have not gotten much of my studying done this week.  I now get to do it all tonight while Greg is gone to stake meetings.  I will get the kids to bed and then have quiet time to study.  Greg and I have both been fighting some type of crud so that hasn't helped things.  We have both been so tired from work, school and the kids.  Thankfully it is the end of the week and things should slow down a bit this next week and the week after that is spring break for two of the three kids and me so that will be nice.