Thursday, March 17, 2011

Recital Time is coming

Madison's dance recital is quickly approaching.  Last week at dance we have costume day.  A parent said to me "It goes down hill from here, hold on tight and hope for the best."  It didn't take long before I realized things were going to get crazy.  She has three costumes and I managed to get pictures of two of them.
This is for her Broadway number

Here is her whole class together

This is for her Boogie Man number and the finale.  She is holding a tambourine.
I wasn't able to get a picture of her costume for Hello Dolly.  It is red velvet and really pretty with long red gloves and a hair piece.  You put these girls in frilly little Tu-Tu type costumes and they really get into their dancing.  I still have to work on getting her hair in a bun (and to stay there) and figure out the makeup.  We have pictures next week where she has to be in full costume, hair and makeup.  Then a few more days of dance class before the recitals on April 15th and 16th.

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