Sunday, May 8, 2011

TAG Project

For most of the year Madison has been working on a project for her EAGLE class.  It is a backyard project.  They were each given a one acre plot of land to use to design their ultimate backyard.  There were requirements as to what needed to be included in the backyard.  One area that she had to have a was a relaxation area.  One of the requirements of the project was to make a diorama of an area in their backyard.  She did her relaxation area complete with her water feature.  Greg worked on the diorama with her.  They started last Saturday and I was gone taking one of the three licensing exams I need to take.  In order to help Madison he had the two boys make one as well. They started out with pink foam insulation and cut and sculpted it.  They then added plaster to make hills and stuff. They then painted the plaster and added rocks and grass. They looked pretty cool when I got home.  She added water to the water feature and rocks to the walking path.  She then added trees and even a hammock.  It has turned out pretty cool.
Madison and the start of her diorama

Jonathan and his Diorama

A very happy boy

Andrew and his diorama

Reeds and water were added

A bridge over the water was added

Flowers were added

The Finished Project

They have all had fun working on them.  The boys have now added track to theirs and finished with putting ballast on the track.  It was a big project and I am glad it is done.  I was able to safely transport the finished project to school on Friday since we didn't think the bus ride would be good for it.  They will be displayed at the music concert on Tuesday so she is excited for everyone to see her hard work.

1 comment:

  1. This brings back memories of Greg and I making dioramas with my dad when we were kids.
