Saturday, June 4, 2011

Test Results

Back at the end of April I took the Praxis II exam - Education of Young Children.  This is an exam that you get to pay to take and is required by the program I am in to graduate.  The school sets a passing score for the test.  Thankfully I only needed a 155.  When you get your score report you are given a score somewhere between 100 and 200.  You just hope and pray that your score is higher than your state (some require it for licensing) or program requires.  This test is made up of 60 multiple choice questions and 6 essay questions that all had multiple parts to answer.  You are allowed 2 hours to take the test.  You get your scores about four weeks after you take the test.  I finally received my scores this past week.  I was just hoping that my score was at least a 155 and hoped for better.  I really didn't want to have to take it again.  Well somehow I managed to pass the test.  I received a score of 200.  When they broke down the raw score I had only lost five points on the entire test.

I have a strategy that seems to work when I have to take these tests.  I had to take six hours worth of tests to be admitted to the program and I still have four hours worth to receive my license (which I am scheduled to take in mid July).  I study as much as I can and I take them as early as possible so that I have time to retake the test if I need to.  This takes some of the pressure off of having to pass it the first time.  Then before I go take the test Greg gives me a blessing and I pray a ton while on my way to the test and during the test.

Because of this I in no way will take full credit for my scores.  I know that I can only do it with the help of the Lord.  He is with me every step of the way.  The scores on my exams and the grades that I am able to earn help Greg and I to know with out doubt that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing right now.  By my taking time to focus on my schooling and having to leave employment to finish we know that things will work out because we had the faith to follow the promptings of the Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! It must be a relief to have that part done with.
