I am very happy to announce that I have officially finished my Masters of Arts in Teaching program. I have spent the last four months student teaching as well as taking classes. I spent eight weeks teaching in second grade and six weeks in kindergarten. I have had so much fun as I have worked with the students and teachers in these classrooms.
Now I am working on obtaining my teaching license. Since my program was based in Minnesota I have to obtain that license first in order to get my Iowa license. It may take up to eighteen weeks or longer to get through the governmental process so I have taken a part time job through the end of the school year. I will be working in the early childhood special education room in the Reinbeck Elementary. The superintendent/principal stopped me one day and asked me if I would like the job while I was waiting for my license to come through. It is always nice when a job it basically handed to you. It is just in the mornings so I have the afternoons to volunteer. I can also come home and workout and enjoy some quiet before picking the kids up from school.
It felt really good to say I GOT MY MASTERS FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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8 years ago
Congratulations! You are amazing!