Friday, May 25, 2012

Schools out for Summer

Today was the last day of school for the year.  They always end the year with an awards ceremony.  I have been lucky enough to be done with work so that I am able to attend.  Thursday afternoon was the middle school awards and Friday morning was the elementary awards.  This year Madison received an award for her team going to Battle of the Books.  She also earned an Academic Excellence Award by being on the A honor roll for three quarters, having a 3.5 or higher GPA and getting an 80% or higher in reading or math on the Iowa Assessments (formally known as Iowa Test of Basic Skills).  She also received an award for placing second in the Geography bee for fifth grade in our school.
Receiving award for Battle of the Books

Her Battle of the Books team

Receiving Academic Excellence award

Receiving Geography Bee award
 The elementary awards where much shorter.  Andrew received a kindergarten completion certificate as well as the time capsule they put together to be opened at his graduation.  Jonathan received an award for  the 100 point club for AR.  He read over 100 points for the AR program.  Most picture books are only 0.5 points and some chapter books he read are 3.0 points.  He ended the year reading books that were leveled as high as fifth grade.  He also received an award for Exploring Science.  He has really shown a love for science and discovery.  Jonathan being the only one of the the that did not get pneumonia this year received an Attendance Award for missing 4 or less days of school.
Andrew receiving his certificate

Jonathan receiving his AR award

Jonathan receiving his Science award

Jonathan receiving his attendance award
The buckets you can see on the table in the background are for the kindergarteners.  They each autographed the buckets and Mrs. Creswell put in a composition notebook, pencil, crayons, play-dough, bubbles, and a treat for them for the summer.

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