Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Got A Job

Last summer I applied for 12 different teaching positions and didn't get a single interview.  This year not many jobs are opening up unless you have a degree in special education.  I have applied for 5 position this year since that is all that has been posted.  I really didn't expect much to come of it since I have a Masters degree and with budget cuts most districts just won't hire someone with a masters degree.  Well two weeks ago I actually got called for an interview for a first grade position at Anson in Marshalltown.  Last week I got a called and was offered the job.  I am so excited.  I will be teaching first grade in my own classroom.  I will not be subbing this year and that is great.  I am so excited to be able to go to the same place everyday and be with the same kids.  I was able to go yesterday and meet with the other two first grade teachers and get the curriculum we use so I can get familiar with it.  I was able to see my room and found out that I have a lot of work ahead of me to get my room ready for the year.  I will be spending the rest of the summer gathering things I need for my room and learning the curriculum.  I will also be doing lots of reading professional materials to help me implement things such as writers workshop and other programs in my room.

I took some pictures of my room yesterday while I was there.  I will have to post new ones after I have the room ready for the year.  But this is what I have to work with.

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