Today was the first day of school for the kids. I met the day with mixed emotions. I was more than ready for them to go back to school, yet I had to admit that they were growing up.
Madison started middle school today and is in fifth grade. She decided she needed new clothes because she was no longer in elementary and needed to look like she belonged in middle school. She is so tiny that this was not an easy task. I stuck with the nice capri/ shorts and button up tops as much as possible. In middle school they require all the students to carry trapper keepers of some sort. Madison got a nice one for her birthday from my parents. It is purple and has a shoulder strap for her to carry it. I have learned from others that this is essential in helping carry the trapper and books to class. Well her trapper is as big as she is and weighs about as much as well. She also gets to experience changing for P.E. class. She is not looking forward to this. She said thankfully they didn't have to change today. She is also learning to play flute for band. This is one thing she is really looking forward to.
Jonathan is in second grade this year. In a school that is k-2 he is now one of the "top dogs" in the school. He hasn't really said much about school so I really don't know how he is feeling about it. He teacher is really great and someone I would love to learn from.
Andrew started kindergarten this year. Boy how time flies. I am excited to get the chance to see him learn and grow this year. By time he leaves kindergarten he will be reading and doing basic math. Hopefully his speech will be better as well as the problems with his fine motor development.
Here they all are ready to leave for the first day of school.