Thursday, August 11, 2011

Colorado Trip Days 1&2

We recently had a really fast trip to Colorado.  Greg's grandmother passed away and we decided to go as a family to Estes Park for the service.  The trip took us five days, two days to get there, one day there and then two days back.  Because this was such a long trip we thought we would make it as fun as possible for the kids.  Not to mention this is the longest they have ever been in the car before.  On day one we left our home in Gladbrook and headed for North Platte Nebraska.  It took all day to drive there.  We left about 8 and got there by dinner time.  So all we did on day one was drive.  Thankfully we were staying in hotels and we made sure to reserve rooms at ones that had pools so the kids could have some time to relax. 
On day two we had a much shorter drive so we spent time in the morning at the Golden Spike Tower.  This is a look out tower where you can look at the world's largest train yard.  What better place is there for rail fans!  The kids really enjoyed watching all the trains.

These are flags below us.  We are on the open air deck and there is still another closed deck above us.  One of the kids took this picture to show how high up we were.  The kids really have fun looking for Geo Caches.  While at the tower we started a two part cache.  There were things on the closed deck that you needed to count to get the location of the second part of the cache.  The second part took us to one of the fire stations in North Platte.  When we got there they were working with the National Guard to do a practice drill.  We were able to find the cache and then spent time watching the fire department do their thing.  The Fire Marshall came over and talked to us and explained what was going on.  Then we were asked to back up a little because they needed to pull in their ladder truck.  Boy was Andrew excited to see this.  Then they raised the ladder to put their  hoses away properly.  One of the fire fighters came and talked to us and then invited the kids to look at the truck and sit in it.  By this point Andrew was so excited I thought he would float away.  They were really great about talking to the kids and making us feel welcome at the station, even in the middle of a training day.  The fire fighter also gave the kids badges and post it notes and a magnet to remember their visit.

After our stop at the fire station we grab lunch and headed for Fort Collins.  We got their about dinner time so it was about half the drive as the day before.

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